Class News
In maths, year four are now moving onto division and fractions. We will look how our times table knowledge is so important in both division and fraction calculations and making connections to skills we have already developed.
We will be introducing times table homework in books in an attempt to improve the recall of multiplications to 12 x 12 in preparation for the Multiplication Check times table test later in the year
In English, we will be reading The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, a whimsical book that we are sure your child will enjoy. Children will be immersing themselves in the text and developing the descriptive language needed to retell the story in their own words. They will be working hard on integrating speech and actions and remembering that a new speaker must have a new line!
Our next science topic is ‘Electricity. As this is the first time the children will be introduced to the electricity components it will be a very exciting topic! They will get the chance to develop their understanding of conductors and insulators and use their knowledge to address real life problems.
We will be learning about Michael Faraday, a very important person in the development of electricity and the way in which we use it today so be sure to ask your child what they have learnt about him.
In Geography this half term, we will be looking at a brand new unit – Antarctica. We will be using atlases practise using our geographer skills and we will be learning about the geographical properties of Antarctica and what makes it such an amazing place!
Physical Education:
Our PE focuses this term are gymnastics and tag rugby. In gymnastics we will develop our flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through sequenced work and collaborating with others. In learning how to play tag rugby, we will further develop our understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games, as well as the importance of fair play and honesty.
Year 4 PE is on a Monday. Please send your child to school in an appropriate PE kit on this day. We do go outside in all weathers so please send them in prepared.
Homework –
In your child’s reading diary, you will find their login details for Times Tables Rock Stars. We can’t wait to set the children times tables challenges which they will be able to access from home! We will have times table battles within our year group and across the school, so please encourage your child to access this app at home so they can become times table superstars! Remember the more you go on the site, the more coins you earn!
Please could we remind you that spellings are given out weekly, on a Tuesday. Children will be tested on the spelling patterns the following Monday.
There is an expectation to read at least 3 times a week, let’s be the year group with the highest word count this year! Remember the more times you read, the more points you will earn!
Finally, we cannot wait to celebrate the learning journey of the Year 4 cohort as they continue to excel in their educational journey at AJS.