
We, the staff, are proud of the facilities which our school offers your child during their time with us. The children too have a respect for the school and every effort is made to maintain this.

We have a school uniform which, we feel helps to provide the children with a sense of ownership of the school as well as providing suitable, functional and inexpensive dress for school use.

We take pride in the standards of dress and appearance of all our children, we would greatly appreciate your co-operation in helping to maintain high standards at all times.


White shirt

Red tie

Black trousers

Navy blue pullover or School sweatshirt

Black shoes

Black plain socks

Summer option

Black school shorts


White shirt

Red tie

Navy blue jumper/cardigan or School sweatshirt/cardigan

Black shoes

Black skirt or trousers

Black plain tights or plain socks

Black shalwar and kameez

Summer option

Blue summer dress

White plain socks

Should parents experience financial difficulty in providing school uniform there is some help available. Families seeking assistance should speak with the Family Support Worker.  The school also has second hand uniform available, please contact the school office for more information.  Uniform can also be purchased from local supermarkets of your choice as long as the colours match the school uniform as detailed below:



·        A watch is a good idea unless causing distraction from learning.

·        No jewellery should be worn for school. Please avoid newly pierced ears during term time and schedule for the summer holidays to allow ample healing time.


·        Hair should be tied up if long enough to do so. 

·        No hair art (tramlines etc). 

·        No hair dye. 

Ties can be purchased from the school office at a cost of £3.50

School sweatshirts and cardigans are available from Trutex at 41 Weston Road, Meir (01782 310111)