Class News
This half term, we will be looking at quadrilateral shapes and labelling their features. We will also be continuing to develop our arithmetic mental maths strategies, in order to improve our weekly arithmetic test scores. Please see the maths page for suggested support you can give your child at home.
In English, we will continue to find out about how people stayed safe during World War 2. The children will then further develop their skills planning, writing, editing and finally publishing a non-chronological report.
In addition, we will venture into a new class text, ‘Room 13’ as well as persuade our School Governors about our plans for an exhilarating activity week in June through a persuasive letter!
During the afternoons, the children will be developing their geographical skills and knowledge by studying the world’s oceans. For Science, we will be learning about Animals and their habitats. In addition, we will be developing our artistic skills through our ‘Art of Africa’ topic where we will find out about the work of artist Esther Mahlangu and explore some fantastic Ndebele designs.
In your children’s reading diary, you will find their login details for Times Tables Rock Stars and Google Classroom. Homework for this half term will be set weekly from the revision guides that the children have been given. Revision Guides should be brought into school every day so that and problems they encounter can be addressed straight away and further support given.
Please could we remind you that spellings are in the back of the reading diaries for the half term and can also be found on Google Classroom. Children will be tested on the spelling patterns on a Friday. There is an expectation to read at least 3 times a week. Let’s be the year group with the highest word count this year.
Homework needs to be completed by Thursday.
Spelling and Times Table tests are on a Friday.
Our PE sessions will be on a Tuesday afternoon. We ask that the children arrive at school wearing their PE kit as they will wear PE kit all day. This half term the children will be learning to play tag rugby and developing their gymnastic skills.