Supporting Learning
On this page you will also see our website recommendations for additional home learning if your child has completed the work set by the teacher or you would like more homework.
Speak up Space
Speak Up Space are now offering support to ALL young people up to the age of 18 living in Staffordshire during the school day. You can talk to us about anything that’s important to you and we can listen, offer coping strategies, resources or signpost you to other services.
StarLine UK
StarLine is a new and updated service available to parents and carers of pupils from all schools nationwide. It offers free, confidential advice is available six days a week by phoning the StarLine team on 0330 313 9162.
Sumdog is home to lots of maths learning resources and at the moment, parents can sign up for free!
White Rose Maths
Short tutorials to support your child in developing and practising a maths skill.
Complete Mathematics
Mathematics, teaching, learning, resources, schools, worksheets, activities, teacher, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, GCSE
Use your TT Rock Stars log in to access this resource, a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract.
Corbett Maths
Home to 1000’s of maths resources: Videos, Worksheets, 5-a-day, Revision Cards and much more.
Doodle Maths
With over 350 topics from Reception to Year 6, our step-by-step explanations include examples and sample questions from the DoodleMaths app, making them a fantastic way to revise or support your child in any areas they’re finding challenging.
Times Table Rock Stars
We use Times Tables Rock Stars to practice our times tables with band battles taking place each half term with certificates for speed and engagement!
The challenge is on to complete 10 garage tests every week!
Prodigy Maths
Prodigy delivers a unique learning experience through an interactive math game where success depends on correctly answering skill-building maths questions.
The Maths Factor
Unlock your child’s maths confidence with Carol Vorderman’s maths site for 4-11 year olds. Kids can watch her maths videos, play games and practise.
English – Reading and Writing
Phonics Play
Visit the Phonics Play website for lots of phonics activities!
The Literacy Shed
Welcome to The Literacy Shed – providing excellent video inspiration for stories.
Jane Considine
Daily writing lessons for all year groups
Introducing the School of Stoke City. Activity packs to keep Junior Potters entertained. Each ‘lesson’ will be Stoke City themed with the chance of winning a squad signed shirt
Recently confirmed as an approved resource for home learning by the Department for Education, has more than 800 videos with 100+ authors (including creative writing challenges, book readings and more), and you can access everything in less than 60 seconds
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl is home to lots of learning resources.
Harry Potter at Home
Where you’ll find all the latest magical treats to keep you occupied.
Elevenses with The World of David Walliams
The World of David Walliams is releasing an audio story from The World’s Worst Children every day for the next 30 days.
World ebook
Access lots of books online for your child to read, including a selection of audio books
Once Upon a Picture
Image prompts to use at home that can be used to teach reading skills, prompt creative writing and more!
Audible for Kids
For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.
Stoke City Competition
Introducing the School of Stoke City. Activity packs to keep Junior Potters entertained. Each ‘lesson’ will be Stoke City themed with the chance of winning a squad signed shirt
Introducing the School of Stoke City. Activity packs to keep Junior Potters entertained. Each ‘lesson’ will be Stoke City themed with the chance of winning a squad signed shirt.
Mystery Science
Mystery Science are offering free short science lessons in the form of videos to get your child thinking scientifically and enjoying science at home. They also offer free printable worksheets that you can do with your child too.
Make me Genius
Science Lessons in Animation Cartoon videos
Marvin and Milo
Over 80 “Do try this at home!” experiments featuring Marvin and Milo, the IOP’s intrepid cat and dog team.
Crash Course Kids
This bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course is all about science for kids. We’ll look at Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and much much more with host Sabrina Cruz. So, join them every Tuesday and Thursday for new uploads.
NASA Kids' Club
A place to play games and learn about NASA!
Wow Science
A child friendly gateway to high quality primary science resources on the internet and beyond
Blockly Games
Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming.
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Thinkuknow - E-SAFETY
Each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 inute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will be spending more time online at home.
Shaun the Sheep Games Academy
Find out about the essential parts that make up a game and learn to code with Scratch.
Tinkercad is an easy-to-use 3D CAD design tool.
Websites covering various subjects
Study Ladder
Mathematics, English, Science and more! A comprehensive program of online educational activities for students aged 4 to 12, mapped to the curriculum.
Woodlands Resources
Hundreds of pages of easy to read information and facts on many homework topics
Free interactive learning resources for primary age children.
National Geographic Kids
Find amazing facts about animals, science, history and geography, along with fun competitions, games and more.
Toy Theater
Toy Theater is chock full of interactive online art, reading & math games for kids.
DK Find Out
Visit DK Find Out! to learn about dinosaurs, space, animals, nature & more. Fun learning activities for kids with videos, quizzes & galleries at
Kiddle is a child friendly search engine by google. A great place to find out about particular topics whilst staying safe online.
Children’s University of Manchester
The Children’s University of Manchester has been designed to support KS2 (7-11
The fun doesn’t have to stop, take a look at our downloadable and printable activity packs, resources and games to keep your kids from boredom!.
Home Huddle
They’ve collected together all of their favourite educational, inspiring and fun websites for primary school children into one place, so you can concentrate on what’s important right now.
Free resources from the home of quality resources.
Starters for STEM are ten activities that parents can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. These activities are easy-to-resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them.
Super Movers
Fun curriculum linked resources to get your child moving whilst they learn.
Short, award-winning animated videos about ideas and research that spark the curiosity of learners everywhere
Khan Academy
You can learn anything. Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.
The Kid Should See This
Educational videos for curious kids of all ages, a free resource for parents. Science, art, nature, animals, & more.
Primary Games Arena
A variety of games covering a variety of subjects
BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize is home to lots of learning resources.
School closure learning links interactive PDFs that are perfect for parents to use to help children to continue learning at home.
Use code UKTWINKLHELPS for free parent login
BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there’s so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
BP Education
Science, Geography and Design Technology
Free resources for ages 4 to 11, Key Stages 1 and 2 (KS1 & KS2)
Dr Chip’s Daily Dose
Science, engineering and computing activities to try at home. Join Dr Chip live at 10am each day for a new idea.
Teach Starter
The resources cover the key learning areas of English, Maths and Science, along with some additional craft and mindfulness activities – all for free!
Fun Brain
Fun Brain is the #1 site for online educational games for kids of all ages. (maths, grammar, science, spelling, history)
Scott Walker - STEM
Follow the twitter feed of Scott Walker – with plenty of STEM ideas to do at home.
The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities
Tate Kids
Tate Kids: play free art games and fun quizzes, find art activities, read about artists and share your art.
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts
Hello Kids!
Learn to draw with tutorials.
Geography Games
Brain-engaging geography games to test your knowledge: learn countries of the world, capitals, flags, US States, continents, islands, oceans and much more!
Social skills
Bullying UK
Bullying UK has lots of advice and information on bullying.
Learn languages for free!
We understand this is a challenging time and have therefore created some simple activities which children can do at home, to help them learn while also having fun.
BBC Ten pieces
BBC Ten Pieces – opening up the world of classical music to the next generation
Mama Lisa: Kids’ songs from around the world
Lyrics of international songs from many countries, some of them with midi files to listen to, or videos to watch.
Classics for Kids
Classics For Kids has lots of fun online activities to introduce young people to classical music!
Pottermus Challenges
Lots of ideas for keeping fit during your time at home.
Zumba Kids
There’s so many amazing videos on Youtube to check out! If your child loves dancing, check out Zumba Kids tutorials.
Cosmic Kids
A fun series using yoga to develop mindfulness for kids aged 5+
Premier Education
Support your children’s health and wellbeing at home with FREE and easy activities.
Get Set
Explore their free, cross-curricular resources for students aged 5–19
Oti Mabuse - Dance
Latin and ballroom dance classes – FUN for KIDS and ADULTS!
A media platform that gets kids moving to be their smartest, strongest, bravest, silliest, bestest selves. GoNoodle is one of the fastest adopted tech resources connecting movement, mindfulness and learning.
School Games
School Games Organisers have been tasked with creating virtual competitions and a programme of ideas to assist with keeping your students active each week. Help our school to be number one!
Joe Wicks Body Coach
From Monday 23rd March, Joe Wicks will be posting daily PE lesson style workout routines – perfect to keep your children active! Posting every day at 9am. There’s workouts for kids and adults on this Youtube channel!
Youth Sports Trust
Youth Sports Trust are compiling resources to use at home to support you and your children to stay active during this time. These resources will be updated regularly.
ASM Sports
ASM will release videos on several occasions weekly on Youtube.
Jump Start Jonny
Physical Education for all Year Groups
School Games Activities
Welcome to the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent School Games Online Resource.
Mental Well-being
Top 50 Mindfulness Resources
A free printable list of mindfulness resources for children and teens.
Action for Kids
Spotting the signs of mental health issues in your child and what to do to help
Little Learner
FREE – Self Isolation Printable Workbook for Kids
Big Life Kids
The ONLY growth mind set podcast for children. It teaches about persisting through challenges, believing in yourself, learning from your mistakes — and much more!
British Red Cross
Find out how children and young people can practise kindness every day during the coronavirus emergency.
BBC Teach
To support your child and promote the importance of mental wellbeing they’ve created this collection of resources for use with both primary and secondary students.
Rising Stars
A selection of positive resources that can be used with children at home.
Care Packages
FREE – Printable care packages to keep your child motivated at home.
Other things to do at home

If using websites that refer to US grades, use the table below to help you to see which grade to use for your child’s learning.

Year 6 only
Monster SATs
Practice papers and revision activities for Year 6 children
KS2 practice grammar and punctuation tests online for Year 6 children